Koala 1 Newsletter: July 2024

Hello Koala One Parents!

Welcome to June little pirates 🏴‍☠️

Important Dates:

– NO SCHOOL JULY 4th, 2024! Happy Independence day! 🇺🇸

– We are OFFICIALLY starting our SPLASH day Wednesday 7/3 

– Monthly Staff Meeting 7/12  Early closure, please pick up BY 4:00

Focus of the month:

– We are working on teaching the littles in Spanish and English ASL.

– Pirate theme crafts & activities🏖🦜

– Doing outdoor focus activities to enjoy the nice weather

Friendly Reminders:

-Splash Day Requirements: Bring them dressed in their swimsuit & sunscreen, and regular diaper on (we will be changing their diapers before going outside) bring water diaper in bag, wet bag, water shoes, extra outfit, & towel 

– PLEASE, PLEASE keep your child home if they have any sickness symptoms.🥺 We really appreciate if you can help us all stay healthy & safe ❤️`

– We ask for our little koalas to bring a big kid water bottle label with FIRST/LAST name & PLEASE take it home at the end of EVERYDAY 😊

– Please bring a normal size blanket, too big doesn’t fit inside their cubbies, also please make sure to take blankets home EVERY FRIDAY! 🙂

– Please label children’s belongings with first & last name 🙂 Such as water bottles, clothing, coats/sweaters, diaper cream & sunscreen 

– Please check your child’s cubby for replacement of extra clothes (weather appropriate) 

– Check our hanging fabric file folders by the gate door, for any crafts & paperwork to take home 

Thank you parents,


Ms.Amber & Ms.CC🩷