Panda 1 Newsletter: August 2024

Hello Panda Parents, 

August is the beginning of the school year and we will bring our focus from Free-play and Sensory (splash Day) onto our usual topics for the school year. We will be focusing more on fine motor, social emotional, cognitive, sensory, numbers, and letters. We ask parents if you aren’t already doing so to please work with your child at home on what they are learning in school!

 I would like to remind parents to please make sure you are taking your child’s blanket home every Friday and bringing it back clean or a new clean blanket.

August is still a warm month so we will be continuing to do our Splash Day every Wednesday, if anything changes Ms. Karen or Ms. Priscilla will notify when the last day of Splash Day will be. I would like to thank parents for bringing their child ready every Wednesday, it makes it easier for us ! 

Please make sure you are taking your child’s wet clothes home. 

   I would still like to remind parents to apply sunscreen on their child every morning before school as we do have outside time after morning snack. Please make sure you are filling out the sunscreen sheet every morning so we know who has sunscreen on and who needs some.

The Panda class would like to welcome Ada and J’Bryan. We are so excited to have you in our class.

Collins, Mariam and Cataleya will be moving up! We are sad to see you guys go but excited to see you girls grow more! Thank you for an amazing few months, we loved being your teachers. 

8/9- Early Closure. Please make sure your child is picked up BEFORE 4!

8/12- Children moving up

As always please feel free to reach out to Ms. Karen or Ms.Priscilla if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you,

Ms.Karen and Ms.Priscilla