Teddy Newsletter: October 2024

Happy October Teddy Families! 

A friendly reminder to be checking your child’s cubby for 3 pairs of weather appropriate clothing, also all bottles must be taken home at the end of every day so please check the cubby and fridge for your child’s bottles. I also have set up folders for each child by our arts bulletin board. At the end of every month I will be putting all your child’s art in there for you take home. We will also have a monthly art project hanging up in the hallway on display. Please refrain from taking those home until they go into the art folder. Thank you!

With that being said, let’s jump into our monthly curriculum. This month we will be focusing on fall and Halloween. We will be reading lots of books about fall, singing songs about fall as well as doing art projects to fit the theme. We will also be working on developmentally appropriate activities to fit each individual child’s needs. For example, the infants ages 10 months and above I will begin working on them with pulling themselves up, standing and walking, etc. For infants younger than 10 months we will work on our gross motor and fine motor skills to develop sitting, crawling, etc. I will also be doing ASQ’s with the children this month. If you do not know what an ASQ is it is just a developmental questionarre that goes over each part of your child’s development. This will help me to know where your baby is at developmentally and better tailor my lessons to fit the needs of your children. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out anytime!


October 11th: EARLY CLOSURE please arrange for your child to be picked up before 4:00pm

October 30th: We will have a pajama party and do some fun Halloween activties

October 31st: Halloween! We will have our annual trunk or treat so feel free to dress your child up in their costume or bring it with you for me to put on later

Thank you all for putting your trust in me to take care of your littles! Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time with questions or concerns I am always happy to talk.

With love,

Ms. Tabatha