Happy August everyone!
To my class that will be leaving this month, we will miss everyone! We hope you guys have fun at your new schools and we wish you guy’s lots of success. Parents thanks for all your help throughout the year and we hope transition’s go smoothly for you. The themes this month will be colors/shapes, zoo, back to school, all about me, apples. If you would like to come and talk to the teachers about any questions you have please do. To the parents who are from the brown bear room welcome and we can’t wait to spend the year with you. Feel free to ask any of the teachers if you have questions. We focus more on academics in kindergarten. After the kids have about a week or two to adjust, I will be conducting assessments to see where the children are at. In the middle of the year we will be doing conferences if you have anything you are worried about around that time. Thanks for everything my old black bears, and to my new black bears: welcome to our class!
Ms Maddy