Happy New Year! Hope all your holiday fun leaves lasting memories of joy. I wish you all good health and prosperity for the coming new year.
Our month begins with the study of snow and ice. We will then learn the differences for animals during winter as in active, dormant, or hibernating.
Sunset Academy is closed January 17 in honor of Martin Luther King. We will focus on the importance of treating everyone fairly and with acceptance no matter how they look or dress and being tolerant of others. Having dreams for the future and what that means too.
The week of the 24th we will be creating through a variety of mediums during Art Studio week.
The last week begins Chinese New Year with the year of the tiger.
The letters of the week this month are M, N, P, Q, R. Patterns and numbers are a daily occurrence. Simple addition is coming very naturally throughout each day.
Thank you for all you do and for sharing your amazing children. Please don’t ever hesitate with any questions or concerns.
Remember to hug em, love em, laugh lots and READ, READ, READ! They grow quick! Love, Ms Diane