Brown Bear Newsletter: November 2021

We are thankful for you sharing your children with us and all you do!  Trunk or Treat was a wonderful success because of our awesome parents! 
The first week of November our theme is Down on the Farm. Our learning will be about the animals, crops, and importance of bees.This leads us int the 2nd week where we will focus on the fall season of harvesting. 
The third week is all about different modes of transportation. Which prepares us for possible travel during the up coming holiday season.
Thanksgiving week gives us the opportunity to become aware of all that we are thankful for and who we appreciate in our lives.
The letters this month are C, D, F, G. Recognition and beginning word sound are our continued goals.
Reminders – Conferences are Friday, November 5.    – Closed Thanksgiving and Black Friday November 25 & 26
Here are some fun links from the Longmont Library you may not be aware of to continue literacy at home with the use of a tablet, computer, or phone.
 All of these resources are free with a library card (with the exception of youtube, which does not require a library card).
Tumblebooks–under the “Home” icon there is another subsection called “new books”. The books under this section will be animated and it highlights and reads the words aloud as the book progresses.

Overdrive–this works similarly to Tumblebooks in that the page of the book appears and the story highlights the words as the speaker goes. They could read it on a kindle (including the kindle app) or on their tablet/phone/computer browser. They would find the desired books under “OverDrive Read-along”.
Youtube–if you search the title of a children’s picture book alongside the words “read aloud,” there are many videos that will come up, typically wherein the speaker will show the book and flip the pages themselves, or they might be animated, in which case the words will be highlighted and the page will automatically turn. Here is an example of a couple of read alouds that they might be interested it:The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Little Enging That Could

Wishing you all a safe, healthy and happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your memory making family time!
Remember to love em, hug em, laugh lots and READ, READ, READ!  They grow fast.
Stay well, Diane