Brown Bears Newsletter: August 2024

A Fresh Start! 

As you know, August 12th will be the first day that students who are moving up will start in their new classrooms. This is a big change but one that comes with excitement! For families that are transferring into the Black Bear and Grizzly Classrooms, we wish you the best. We’ve had an amazing year with all of you and are appreciative of the memories we have made together and all the support we have received. We know that you all will be successful as you move forward. You will be very missed!

Families transferring into the Brown Bear classroom, welcome to the team 🙂

We’ve been prepping for your arrival and are looking forward to all the things we’ll be learning together. We hope to make this an interesting school year and are thrilled about getting to know you and working with you. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

For those of you whom will be staying with us a bit longer, we are so happy to have you and continue working towards academic and social emotional growth. You’ll be getting caught up with any units that were missed from the first half of the school year. We encourage you to connect with and welcome in our new families!

Room For Adjustment 

Back to school season can feel a little awkward.

Transferring to a new classroom and having new classmates are both big changes! Even you, as a parent, may feel a bit stressed with all of the new people and new routines you’ll have to get used to.

We want to make sure that students (and parents) have time to adjust, learn the routine, and get acquainted with us and their classmates. We will focus on communication, expectations, and social emotional skills for all of August.


08/09 – Early Closure, pick up before 4PM

08/09 – @ 4PM Open House! Meet your new classrooms and teachers! (only for those transitioning)

08/12 – First day in new classrooms and with new classmates

08/19 – Questionnaire due

*** Splash days have ended

*** Fill out and turn in the questionnaire as soon as you can! It will be used to plan activities, events, and lesson plans moving forward

*** News letters are the best way to stay in the loop with special events and with all classroom info. Please read them each month 


08/04 – Serenity 

08/18 – Ms. Bri

08/21 – Jahaziel