Brown Bears Newsletter: February 2022

February already! The month of celebrating friendship and spreading love.

We started off this month with Chinese New Year and creating traditional art work, and discussing how it is celebrated in China. We also compared Chinese New Year to our New Year here.

Groundhog Day gave us the opportunity to play with shadows and figure out how a shadow is made.

The week of Valentines will be extra focus on friendship and how to treat others. We will exchange valentines on Monday, February 14. Please have your child write their own name only on each valentine. One or two a night won’t overwhelm them. Remember capitalize first letter and lowercase for the rest. We have seven children. It is easier for your child to deliver it to their friends’ pre-decorated bags which I will provide if they only sign their own name.

There is a sign-up sheet for our healthy Valentines snack outside our classroom, we are making yogurt parfaits.

Presidents’ Day gives us an opportunity to learn about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

This month letters are  Q, R, S, T.

Thank you for all you do. I appreciate your communication through Procare.

Remember to love em, hug em, laugh lots, and read read read.
