Brown Bears Newsletter: February 2022

Welcome February! This month focuses on continued awareness of friendship and building social skills.The children are already getting along so nicely. We have a wonderful group of kind friends. We really enjoy listening to their conversations and play.

We’ll start the month learning about what the sun is made of, the phases of the moon and what makes shadows.
The second week is friendship week in preparation of Valentine Day. What is a friend? How do friends treat each other? Let’s invite others to play. It’s ok to have more than 1 friend.

The third week we’ll be teaching about nutrition, as we teach the whole child here at Sunset Academy. Eating “The Rainbow” daily, will make it easy to make healthy choices. Eating healthy helps us grow, learn optimally, and fight sickness.
President’s Day gives us the opportunity to learn about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln during the fourth week.
We’ll finish up the month celebrating Dr Seuss as his birthday is March 2nd. Silly fun ahead planned for a Dr Seuss kind of spirit week. More information posted closer to the week.

The letters this month are Q, R, S, T, V. We take advantage of number recogniton throughout each day on a regular basis.
Our class will celebrate Valentine Day on the 14th by having a healthy nutritional pm snack of red fruits and veggies and exchanging valentine cards. There will be a sign up sheet posted in the hallway if you are able to help with the snack, plates or napkins.Start now having your child sign a few cards each night. The more they practice their name the easier it comes. Capitalize 1st letter, lower case for all the rest. We have 12 children in our classroom. We will decorate bags for the children to deliver their cards into, with our help. Your child only needs to sign their name so it will be easier for them to deliver.

Please don’t hesitate with any questions or concerns. Thank you for all you do! Your children are amazing!Remember to READ, READ, READ, it’s most important for their future.

Stay well, Ms Diane and Ms Chelsea