Brown Bears Newsletter: January 2025

Welcome to 2025! 

We feel so thankful that we have the opportunity to continue teaching and nurturing our Brown Bear students. This month will be all about storytelling and appreciation of literature from all over the world! This is one of our favorite units and we are very much looking forward to all the activities for this month. Please read all of the newsletter as is has info on activities and important dates. Thank you!

Theme: Storytelling

Numbers: 16-20

Letters: I, J, K

Social-emotional: appreciation of cultural differences and problem solving with characters

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! 

You’re Cordially Invited…

Our annual Fairytale Tea Party will take place on January 31st at 3PM

We ask that each Brown Bear dress up as their favorite fairy tale character for the day! Parents are encouraged to attend and dress up as well.

We will have  a sign-up sheet for those that plan to attend. Each Brown Bear student can have up to 2 guests. The party will be from 3PM-4PM (as we combine with the Polars at 4:30PM and need time to clean up). We hope that you are able to attend and look forward to spending time with you all.


01/10 – Early Closure pick-up by 4PM

01/17 – Tea Party sign-up due

01/31 – Fairytale Tea Party 3PM-4PM (sign-up required)


Please keep sick students home and let us know why they are absent

Sign-up for the party is due by the 17th. If you are not signed up by then, you will not be able to attend. We need to know how many materials to order and have ready.

If the students have a favorite fairytale story, they are welcome to bring it for circle time 🙂

Dear Brown Bear families, 

Thank you for all the love and appreciation that you and the students showed us during the month of December. We received such beautiful cards and words! We feel thankful for the generous gifts as well. We truly feel lucky to be a part of your lives! We’ll work hard to continue teaching and creating fun memories for you all. – Ms. Bri & Ms. Mari