Brown Bears Newsletter: June 2019

Summer is fast approaching! I hope you all enjoyed your three-day weekend making new memories.

We will begin June by using the great outdoors as a guide. The children will paint with pine needles and pinecones, do leaf rubbings, and make a nature collage. Speaking of nature your children have been very busy. Our garden has peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins, lettuce, broccoli, beans, and peas in. Thank you Lauren Hart for the tomatoes and peppers. The sunflower seeds are in, fingers crossed for a yummy harvest.

The second week we’ll be busy making a surprise for Dad. I hope they keep it quiet until it is already.

The first day of summer is the 21st. We will create art around some of the wonderful aspects of summer.

June will end on a high note with our butterfly unit. Our caterpillars will arrive and magically transform during a two week period into butterflies. The class will name the butterflies, feed them, and set them free in the field to begin their adventures.

Stay tuned about splash day. We will update you when weather is consistent.

Thank you for all you do. Please don’t hesitate with questions or concerns our email is

Remember to hug em, love em, laugh lots and Read, Read Read!
Your Brown Bear Teachers