Brown Bears Newsletter: March 2020

Marching into March! We begin our month by celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday on March 2. March is Reading Month so this is always a wonderful gateway into our March challenge of how many books we can meet in a month. Our goal is 250 books this year. I feel this always gives us a boost toward a love of reading, which is the most important tool you can give your child to be successful in their school career. Please feel free to let your child bring a book to share this month. Please no fighting or violent books.

The second week they will spend all week making their own books. Coloring the picture is not as important as looking at the picture and correlating it to the word they are reading.

The third week we will have a naughty leprechaun visit (sssshhhh please don’t tell) while  the children are out of the classroom to leave a surprise. There will be a sign up for green healthy snacks for Tuesday the 17th as our afternoon snack on St Patrick’s Day.

Spring is on the 19th so we will finish up this month discussing the new beginnings spring gives us in nature. Hopefully we can observe some changes outside as well.

Please double check blue baskets for one complete change of clothes. Thank you!

Reminder: March 13 is early closure at 4 o’clock for staff training.

Thank you for all you do and for sharing your children, you are all amazing!

Please don’t hesitate with questions or concerns at

Remember to hug em, love em, laugh lots and READ, READ, READ!

Ms Diane and Ms Lydia