Brown Bears Newsletter: November 2022

We are so thankful for all of you every day! “Trunk or Treat” was a great success due to our huge parental involvement. The children had a fantastic time, and so did we.

Our class will continue letter recognition, formation, and beginning word sounds with B, C. D, F, this month.

The November learning themes are based on; Community Helpers, Farm to table/ Harvesting, Transportation, and Being Thankful brought to us by Thanksgiving month.

A local author will visit the morning of the 18th to read her book. “This Is the Sun” by Elizabeth Everett, illustrated by Evelline Andrya is a beautiful story about the Sun providing energy for ALL life on Earth. Perfect for our nature loving Brown Bears.

Sunset Academy is closed the 24th and 25th for Thanksgiving. Enjoy your nice long weekend of family time and making memories. Let me know through Procare if you are taking extra days off, please.

Once again thank you for all you do and don’t hesitate with any questions or concerns.

Remember to READ, READ, READ!

Love,  Diane and Jasmine