All About Me Project Sept. 13th
The students will be provided with a poster to fill out and decorate.
Each student will have the opportunity to share their poster with the class on September 13th.
The presentations will be recorded and sent through Procare!
As we start to introduce things like letter tracing, free hand writing, more complex self help skills, and family style dining we are asking for fine motor skills to be practiced at home! It is so incredibly important for the students to strengthen the muscles in their hands as this will help with everything else. Things like kneading playdough, squeezing a stress ball, climbing, stringing beads, weaving, building blocks, etc all help develop muscles.
Self help skills are also very important! Please give students opportunities to be independent and develop confidence in their abilities. For example, closing/opening/filling their water bottles, opening wrappers, pouring their own drink, peeling their own fruit, changing clothes, cleaning spills, etc |