We have a short but full month ahead of us! February is the International Month of Friendship, which we will honor with stories and extra activities to nurture each baby’s social and emotional development. Strong social-emotional development underlies all later…
Cubs Newsletter: January 2020
Hi Cubs Families, Happy New Year, we hope that 2020 brings as much fun as last year in the infant room. First, I would like to thank all the families for the wonderful christmas gifts! We hope that the holidays…
Cubs Newsletter: December 2019
Happy Holidays! This year sure has flown by. We have had the joy of caring for so many wonderful babies. This month we welcome a new friend, Jonathan will be joining the Cubs room. We will also miss Sebastian as…
Cubs Newsletter: October 2019
Autumn will be bursting in the Cubs classroom through the month of October! We will discover the colors of autumn through the exploration and observations of leaves and pumpkins. Please see calendar below for list of dates to wear a…
Cubs Newsletter: September 2019
Hello Cubs, it’s September! This is now my third week in my new position as the Infant Nursery Supervisor in the Cubs Room and I really appreciate this opportunity to spend every day with your little ones. I am teaching…
Cubs Newsletter: July 2019
July Cubs Newsletter Happy July Cub’s families! The 4th of July is right around the corner. Be sure to come and celebrate with the Sunset Family on July 3rd at 4pm. Mr. Eric will be proving the burgers and hotdogs.…
Cubs Newsletter: June 2019
June Cubs Newsletter Hello Cubs families! I thought it would be fun to start off June’s newsletter with some fun baby facts. Did you know that babies are born without kneecaps? That’s right, they don’t develop until they are six…
Cubs Newsletter: February 2019
Happy February Cubs Families! I can't believe it's already February! My how time flies. Let's hope that this month brings us much love and healthy sweet babies! Last month our sweet Cubs and Cubs teachers were hit hard by RSV…
Cubs Newsletter: January 2019
Happy New Year Cubs Families! We would like to congratulate a few of our Cubs for graduating to the Teddy room this new year. Congratulations to Cameron, Charlie W. and Harris!! We will miss all of you! The Cubs family…