Happy March Teddy families! I want to start this newsletter off by letting everyone know I will be adding some new things to the classroom. The bulletin board right next to the door will now be the parent board. On…
Teddy Bears- January 2025
Happy New Year!!!!! I cannot believe it is the start of another year! I hope 2025 is full lots of good things for all of you. This month's curriculum will be new year and colors. This month we will focus…
Teddy Bears- December 2024
Happy December Teddy families! We have made it to the end of the year!!! November was a weird month for me and I wanna apologize for not doing many projects or things with the kids. I have lots of fun…
Teddy Bears- November 2024
Welcoming November! Hello teddy parents! Can you believe we are almost finished with this year? So much has happened and your babies have grown a lot too! As the Cole weather is approaching we will be staying indoors and finding…
Teddy Newsletter: October 2024
Happy October Teddy Families! A friendly reminder to be checking your child's cubby for 3 pairs of weather appropriate clothing, also all bottles must be taken home at the end of every day so please check the cubby and fridge…
Teddies Newsletter: September 2024
Happy September! Its finally fall! That being said please make sure to check your kids cubbies for appropriate whether/size clothing.Also at the end of the day for pick up if everyone could please check the fridge and make sure…
Teddies Newsletter: July 2024
Teddy’s July Newsletter Dear Teddy Families, First and foremost I would like to thank each and everyone of you for welcoming me into the Sunset family. I have truly enjoyed meeting you all and your kiddos. I've had so much…
Teddies Newsletter: June 2024
Happy June parents! This month we will be welcoming some new teachers into the Teddy classroom. Thank you all for being so patient and understanding as we navigate through this. I will be in the room training while the new…
Teddies Newsletter: April 2024
Happy April teddy families! starting this month we are hoping to start going out to our playground please make sure to bring your child in weather appropriate clothes and shoes. Also make sure to keep an eye on your child's…
Teddies Newsletter: March 2024
Happy March! This month we are welcoming Mrs. Amaya to our classroom. we will also be working on our classroom, adding new toys that help involve more sensory play and fine motor into our day to day schedule. We will…