Disenrollment Form
Pursuant to your signed contract, notice of disenrollment must be submitted at least 4 weeks in advance of the final date of enrollment. This form must be completed for each child you are disenrolling and be delivered to the sunset…
Refer a Teacher to Sunset Academy
Sunset Academy is a good place to work for. If you are a teacher working for us or a parent who has children under our care, and you would like us to hire someone you know, please fill out the…
IT Systems for Parents
At Sunset Academy, we use technologies to help achieving our mission of ‘Give Them a Loving Start”. The school has invested heavily in technologies and we are well ahead of competition curve. The systems enhance your experience at the school,…
Parenting Resources
Successful Transitions is very important. We put together a Power Point on how to achieve success transitions.Out curriculum and assessment tools complies with Colorado'e Early Learning and Development Guidelines. How we do it? Why it matters to our parents? We…
Community Based Programs
We find the following community based programs that might be helpful for our parents: Community mental health Wellness Education Center 834 South Sherman Street, Longmont, CO 80501 Phone: 303-443-8500 St. Vrain Community Hub 515 Coffman Street, 2nd & 3rd Floors, Longmont, CO 80501 Phone: 303-443-8500 Child nutrition Longmont…
Children Nutrition
Nutrition is an aspect of health that we can impact your child positively. At home and in school, young children develop preferences and habits for foods and activities. These early habits are likely to continue for the rest of their lives.…
Physical Exercise
Physical activity helps children stay healthy. Sunset Academy Intentionally builds opportunities for children to engage in physical activities. In each classroom, our teachers lead children in structured physical activities daily. Once in a three hour or less time period; twice…
Establish a Medical Home
A medical home is a primary source for a child’s care that is accessible, and offers continuous coordinated care. It is culturally competent, family centered, comprehensive, and compassionate. A medical home helps connect families with support systems and services to…