It sure seems that time flies by. It is already April and the weather is trying to warm up. I think we are all ready for some warm weather.
With warmer weather approaching, please be sure to apply sunscreen to your child prior to drop-off. The school will reapply sunscreen as needed throughout the day. Sunscreen’s need to be non-aerosol and check expiration dates to ensure they have not expired. Also be sure to label your child’s sunscreen with their name. Please make sure that your child is wearing the appropriate attire, including closed-toe shoes. We all love to wear our flip-flops and sandals however, they can be a safety hazard on the playground, so please send the correct shoes.
As a reminder, we are having our staff meetings on the 2nd Friday of each month. This is for staff training and development like we accomplished prior to COVID. We will be closing at 4:00 p.m. on those days. Dates are posted at the check-in area. April 8th will be our staff meeting this month.
If you are interested in Summer Camp and your child is 5 years of age and up, please see Administration at the front desk for the sign-up form. Please let us know as soon as possible as we will be accepting students from outside the school as well.
If you receive any new immunizations and/or health checks from your child’s doctor, please remember to provide those updated documents to the school for your child’s records as they are required per State Licensing.
Thank you, parents, for your precautions keeping your child at home when sick or not feeling well. We know the extra stress this creates, but as you all know it is required to keep everybody safe and healthy. We truly appreciate you all.
Parenting Tip: Spring Toddler Activities
With the warmer weather approaching and Spring being here, please check out the following site for a variety of great ideas for Spring time activities to do with your toddlers:
Director, Sunset Academy