Dear Parents,
Winter has finally hit and the temperatures have dropped significantly. With that said, please be sure to provide proper clothing for your child to keep in cubbies for use as needed. Insure your child’s name is on their coats, hats and other articles for easy identification.
Many thanks to all the parents for your extraordinary patience while we dealt with the smoke from the burnt food in the crockpot incident last month. It was very challenging for all and your patience and kind words were very supportive and kind. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you all incurred. We have already strategized and worked to insure communications issues are resolved in the event of an unforeseen issue again.
Thank you to all the parents who participated in and donated to our Trunk or Treat.
Please look at your child’s classroom (Posted outside each classroom) to complete the “Survey” telling us if your child will be attending during the week of Thanksgiving. This will help us plan and schedule appropriately.
Many thanks to our parents who supported our annual Fund Raiser. Without you, we couldn’t be successful with this event.
SAVE THE DATE: We will be having our Winter Program at the American Legion in Longmont on Wednesday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m. The children will be performing. Parents and their families are invited to attend. Parents can start to arrive 6:30 p.m.
We will be hosting a “Thanksgiving Lunch” at Sunset Academy where parents are invited to come and join your children for this festive lunch on November 11th at 11:30. .
We will be closing the school early on Friday, November 8th for our monthly staff meeting. School closes at 4:00 p.m.
Sunset Academy will be closed on Thursday, November 28th in recognition of the Thanksgiving Holiday. To those of you who are traveling for the holiday be safe and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Parenting Tip: Traveling with Children by Practical Solutions Parent Coaching
1-5 years
Traveling with young children means planning ahead. Allot more time to get from point A to point B.
Crucial to traveling with young children is food. Have snacks and drinks at the ready.
Give them the chance to move their bodies whenever possible. If you’re driving, take breaks. If you’re flying and it’s safe to do so, talk a short walk in the aisle.
Pack an extra set of clothes in case of a problem (spilled milk, lost luggage, etc.)
Take a few small toys out of circulation several weeks before you travel so they will have some novelty value when you offer them during the trip.
Purchase a few inexpensive little toys at the Dollar Store. Wrap them in newspaper and dole them out sparingly to your child when boredom seems imminent. Who can resist a wrapped present?
Bring a few books to read aloud. Pack a small pad of paper and washable markers
You and your child can play many of the games you remember from your childhood even while she is safely strapped into her car sear. Simon Says (“Touch your nose!”) and I Spy (“Can you find something blue?”) easily adapt to traveling. Trade off child care duties with your partner. That way each of you gets a short break here and there.
5-11 Years
Have your child pack (and carry!) a backpack with things to occupy their time during travel.
Books! Read to the non-readers; have your reader bring a selection that will get him through the trip. By the way, if you are reading aloud you are not restricted to books for young children. Children can typically understand a story they may not yet be able to read, so think about a more interesting book that your child hasn’t been exposed to yet.
Is your voice tired? Try audio books. Your local library will have audio books that will capture your child’s interest.
Pencil and paper games are great for this age. Again, go back to what you remember. Dots, tic tac toe, word searches and hang man are great.
Invest in a new Mad Libs. It will keep your family laughing for a long time.
Nina Emmer
Director-Sunset Academy