Koala 2 Newsletter: June 2021

Hello Koala 2 families!

Happy June! I hope that all of our moms had a wonderful Mother’s Day and that you enjoyed the nice long weekend for Memorial day.

Thank you to everyone for the chance to meet you! I look forward to following up with each of you.

Splash day!

This month we will be starting Splash Days. They will take place every Monday during our morning outside time starting at 10 AM. Since it will take place in the morning, we ask that you bring your child to school ready for water day (including shoes). We will not have access to our water tables due to standing water being a concern to Covid-19. That said, our sprinklers are fair game.

Reminders for this month.

  • Early Closure at 4pm on Friday June 11th for staff training.
  • Make sure to pack your child appropriate shoes and clothing for the warmer weather.
  • We do not provide a morning snack. If your child arrives before 9am please provide a snack for them.

The Koala 2 team,

Ms. Anita and Ms. Elena