Happy July families! Wow this year has gone by really fast! In June we said goodbye to a few friends and welcomed our new friend Kaya! Here are a few important dates to remember: Important dates:July 4th- We will be closed on Monday, July 4th to celebrate the holidayJuly 8th- We will be closing at 4;00pm for our monthly staff meeting so please be sure to arrange for your child to be picked at or before 4:00pmJuly 11th- We will be doing our family photo wall so please remember to bring in pictures of your kiddo and your family if you haven’t already. Things planned:Splash day will be every Thursday morning so please remember to bring your kids ready to go with their swimsuit and sunscreen on. Please do not forget to bring a towel and extra change clothes. Thank you all for trusting me to care for your little one. They bring joy to my heart and I enjoy being around them every day. If you have any questions or concerns you can always message whenever on procare or email me at Lboo0937@gmail.com. |