Panda 1- November 2024

Hello Panda Parents, I cannot believe this year is almost over! I have loved and will continue to love to see your children grow and become their own little person. 

  This Month we will be working on expressing our feelings without hitting, yelling, scratching or biting. This topic is always something we work on everyday but I would like to spend more of the day helping the children using their words so if parents could work on the same topic at home that would truly help your child. The way I help the children is letting them know I need space or telling them ” I don’t like that” that way they can connect those words in a future situation where they could have a friend upset them.

The Panda class would like to welcome James! We are very excited to have you in our class.
Please make sure to you are taking your child’s blanket home every Friday and bringing it back clean or a new one every Monday.

 If you are bringing a new water bottle for your child please make sure it is labeled or let the teacher know it is your child’s so we could label it here at school.

With Flu season coming up please make sure if your child is showing any symptoms such as:

runny or stuffy nose



any signs of tiredness

Please make sure you keep your child home to prevent from spreading germs <3

11/8: Early Closure. Please make sure your child is picked up BEFORE  4

11/ 21-22 : School Pictures

11/21: Parent teacher conferences sign up sheets will be posted outside the class for time slots!

11/28-29: Closed for Thanksgiving

As always feel to reach out for any questions or concerns.

Thank you, 

Miss. Priscilla