Panda 2 May 2018 Newsletter

Welcome Spring!  We are excited about the change in season and weather. Winter was fun, but Spring allows for your children do many more outdoor activities.  We look forward to the changes in our curriculum and classroom.


The month of May brings a few exciting changes to our curriculum. Many of you have heard of S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). This month our curriculum is adding a bit more of the S.T.E.M activities to our curriculum.  We have already given the children the opportunity to participate in our science (mixing of colors) with droppers while we studied weather. Each child was given the visual of what a rain looks like and then we added the elements of warm water with variations of blue. The children enjoyed and did well learning about the topic. This month we are going to step up our science and math as a point of focus. During circle time our children are starting to learn their names in a (Spelling visual context). Most of the children are starting to recognize their names and are even “hosting” their own circle time sessions.


Potty Training

Updated news!!!

Many parents have been asking about the details of potty training. On many separate occasions we have sent home “Rules for potty training”.  Please make sure you are reading the material we send home. First, we want to address the wipes situation. In every parent handbook there is a section that explains how many wipes each person is supposed to bring each month. As many of you know we have a (Community Wipes System) in place. The system requires for each parent to bring a total of 200 wipes per month. Please understand that each child is changed up to 5 times a day and more if they are potty training and having accidents. Just because your child might be in underwear doesn’t mean we don’t clean them with wipes after they use the bathroom or poop. Each family is saving money by bringing their fair share each month. If you were required to bring wipes (solely) for your child, we would ask for them every week. So, keep in mind that every two weeks we will ask for wipes. For the parents who bring in more “thank you”.

Second, we are having some issues with parents not checking the cabinet for dirty clothing. The cabinet becomes overflowed with clothing and as you can tell we don’t have a ton of space. Sometimes we make mistakes and forget in our busy day to write your child’s name up on the board. However, if your child is in different clothing but you don’t see their name “please check” the cardboard box to be safe.

Third, recently it was brought to my attention that some of the parents are concerned about the contents of their child’s dirty clothing bags.  For example:  Your child had a poop accident and the underwear were completely covered in poop or pee. As per the Health department, we are NOT allowed to clean your child’s underwear.  We are supposed to put them in a plastic bag and secure the bag with label and place in a locked contained area. However, we will do our very best to make sure the underwear and clothing are tightly wrapped and labeled.  If you would like us to throw away your child’s ruined underwear please let us know.

Lastly, we would like for each of you to know that we appreciate how supportive you’ve been with potty training. There isn’t really any magical formula except consistency. Each child is different. Some children pick up potty training quickly and become confident in using the bathroom. Other children might need more time to feel comfortable using the bathroom at school and verbally expressing their need to go. Please be patient all around. If you have any questions or concerns come and see us. My conversation with each parent might be different and should not alter the way you see progress in your child’s development.  Keep in mind that each conversation is altered for that child.


Art Folders

Every Friday “please” check your child’s art folder and take home any crafts inside. If you do not see your child’s art folder, we might have it a different spot in the classroom. We would be happy to put any of their work in their cubbies, just let us know what is easier for you.



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Please “DO NOT” allow your child to bring toys to school. We know it’s a wonderful way for your child to learn how to share and, it’s comforting for them to have. The reality is that it causes more problems and it makes it difficult for the children to focus at school. Thank you for understanding and respecting the rules.



Congrats to Lorna who is transitioning to the Polar Bear room!

Congrats to Marley who is transitioning to the Panda 2 room!



Thanks, Miss Nikki and Ms. Denise

Panda 2 teachers