Hello February!February is considered the shortest month of the year and we have so much going on.Beyond Valentine’s Day, it is also the International Month of Friendship. We will continue to celebrate the idea of friendship and choosing kindness.We would like to thank our Panda 2 Parents for all the support on the potty training front and we will continue to carry on in the classroom.This month we would like also to welcome Rene who will move up from Panda 1.The Spanish class is coming back every Tuesday and Thursday with the new teacher Miss Lina.We look forward of having a new activity in our classroom. Teacher Monthly Training will be on Feb.9 at 4 p.m. Please don’t forget to pick up your child early. Our Valentine’s Party is scheduled on Wednesday Feb.14th. A sign up sheet for snacks, treats and party supplies will be posted on the board outside of the Panda room.Please accept our apologies, the party is for the children only.We noticed that too many adults make our room crazy. Should you have any questions,comments or suggestions please don’t hesitate to talk with one of us. Sincerely,Miss Alice and Miss Elena |