Hey Panda One families!
It has been a busy month, one full of changes! In July the Pandas said goodbye for now to our lovely Ms. Nicole, and Ms. Maddie stepped into the lead role in the classroom. We are all looking forward to the fun adventures we will be having together as a class.
This August, we will be exploring engaging concepts including emotions, construction, light and shadow, and shapes. Feel free to bring in objects from home that interest your child related to these subjects! We will be continuing our weekly splash days for the remainder of August, so remember those towels, extra clothes, and sandals! 🙂
This month we are welcoming a new child to the room who will be transitioning from the Koala Class, and we are all so excited to meet our new friend!
Reminders for August:
- We will be closing early (at 4:00) on August 13th to allow for our teachers and administrators to gather for professional development and our monthly staff meeting.
- Please pack weather appropriate spare clothes, we will be going outside in both the morning and afternoon (temperature depending).
- We do not provide a morning snack, if your child arrives before 9am please provide a snack for them.
- Splash Day is every Friday during our morning outside time, please bring your child to school ready to go in their swim gear, if you would like for your child to wear a swim diaper I am happy to change them into it. Please do not send your child with a swim diaper on already, as they do not hold urine and we do not go outside until 9:30.
Thank you all as always for everything you do!