Panda One Newsletter: June 2019

Dear Panda One Families,

School is out, and summer is just around the corner! We hope all of the mothers had a lovely Mother’s Day last month, and that everyone enjoyed a nice, long Memorial Day weekend. Also, we would like to wish all of the fathers a happy Father’s Day on the 16th!

Miss Becka will be out of the classroom on Monday, June 17th. Miss Cassandra will be in at 6:40AM to greet you and your child on that day.


With temperatures on the rise, and the rainy days of May (hopefully) behind us, we will be taking advantage of every opportunity to bring our learning outdoors. If you haven’t already done so, please provide a bottle of sunscreen, to be kept in the classroom, for your child. Also, if your child will be arriving to school after 8:45AM, we ask that you please apply a layer of sunscreen to your child before dropping them off; we will reapply it in the afternoon before taking the children outdoors.

Children’s Cubbies

Please take daily inventory of your child’s cubby to ensure that a) at least one full change of clothing is provided and b) all clothing is season appropriate.


We do our absolute best to ensure the safety of all of the children in our classroom at all times. Please help us by ensuring that there are no hazardous materials (i.e. plastic bags – grocery or Ziploc style; lotions, ointments, diaper creams; chapstick; toys with small parts; any item labeled: “Not suitable for children under the age of 3” or “Keep out of reach of children”) in your child’s pockets, backpack, or cubby. ** Any item that will fit into the end of a paper towel roll is a choking hazard. ** THANK YOU!!! Your support on this matter is greatly appreciated.

Upcoming Events

Splash Day – Weather permitting, our first Splash Day of the season will be held on Friday, June 7th, during our regularly scheduled outdoor time (9:30AM-10:30AM). We will continue hosting Splash Days every Friday throughout the month of August. Each Friday, we ask that you please bring your child to school dressed in their swimsuit and water shoes. We also ask that you please provide a towel and an extra pair of shoes. Hats and sunglasses are also recommended.

Create Your Own Pizza Day – The children will be creating their own personal pizzas to enjoy during snack time on Wednesday, June 19th. For those of you that are interested in contributing, a sign-up sheet with a list of ingredients will be posted on the white board in the hallway just outside of the Panda Room door. Thank you in advance, your contributions are greatly appreciated!

June Curriculum

Week 1: The Great Outdoors

Week 2: Story Book*

Week 3: Father’s Day

Week 4: Summer Fun

Week 5: Popcorn, Watermelon, and Ice Cream

*The children are encouraged to bring in their favorite story book(s) to share with the class.


Pizza Parlor


Last month we welcomed two new friends, Theodore (Teddy) and Caden, to the Panda One Room. Both boys are recent graduates from the Koala Two classroom.

There are more transitions on the horizon this month, please stay tuned for more details!

Important Dates

6/16 – Father’s Day

6/17 – Miss Becka will be out of the classroom

6/19 – Create Your Own Pizza Day

Mondays: Amazing Athletes**

Wednesdays: Little Belly Breaths Yoga with Miss Pam**

Thursdays: Soccer Shots**

Fridays: Splash Day!!!/Musicare with Miss Amy**

**By registration only

As always, we welcome your feedback! Should you ever have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak with one of us.

Until next month, take care!


Miss Becka, Miss Elena, and Miss Emily

The Panda One Teachers