Panda Two Newsletter: April 2021

Dear Panda Two Families,

Spring has sprung!  Bees are buzzing, trees are budding, and the daylight hours are growing longer each day.  Hooray!  However, it is springtime in Colorado, and as many of you know, the weather can be quite unpredictable this time of year, so please keep your eyes and ears on the daily forecast and bring your child to school dressed accordingly.

Before we jump into April’s agenda, I’d like to give a quick shout-out to those of you who contributed to our St. Patty’s Day Social last month – THANK YOU!!!  Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

This month we will be welcoming spring into our classroom.  And what’s spring without a little spring cleaning?  The children will get to play (and paint) with feather dusters and spray bottles, use soap and water to clean our toys at the sensory table, and play with child-size brooms and dust pans which we will be adding to our dramatic play area.  They will also be continuing to work on their self-help skills by practicing cleaning-up after themselves after and meals and playtime.

While outdoors, we will be taking some time to notice and talk about all of the changes that are occurring around us: melting snow, rain showers, budding trees, green grass, birds chirping, squirrels chattering, and bunnies building their nest in the garden.  The children will also be using magnifying glasses to examine flowers, soil, bugs and more!  These observations and conversations will help the children develop a better understanding of the world around them, and the change in seasons.

To celebrate Easter, the children will be exploring Easter grass in the sensory table, singing “Little Bunny Foo Foo”, and learning to dance The Bunny Hop.  They will also be hunting for Easter eggs on the playground during our Annual Easter Egg Hunt (details below)!

In honor of Earth Day, the children will be doing a sensory activity with water, sand, and shaving cream to represent the earth.  We will also be learning about things that grow, so the children will be “growing a garden” in Playdough using fake seeds and silk flowers.  They will also be planting real seeds in potting soil, and learning how to water and care for their seedlings.

Upcoming Events

Sunset Academy’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt – Happy Easter!  Weather permitting, we will be having an Easter egg hunt on the playground on Friday, April 2nd, during our regularly scheduled recess time.  Plastic egg, healthy snack, and treat donations are welcome.  Also, the children are encouraged to bring their Easter baskets to school on that day.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences – I will be available via Zoom, or by telephone, for parent-teacher conferences next month.  Please stay tuned for further details, as well as information on how to reserve a time slot.  I am looking forward to connecting with you! 

Classroom Updates

I will be refreshing the activity centers and wall displays in the classroom this month, and I would like to include at least one (although, the more the merrier) recent family photo – extended family, and pets too – for us to laminate and display in the classroom.

April Curriculum

Week 1: Easter/Spring

Week 2: Weather and Clouds

Week 3: Outer Space

Week 4: Earth Day/Planting and Gardening

STEM Theme

Air, Rain, and Sunshine

Important Dates

4/4: Easter Sunday (observed in class on 4/2)

4/22: Earth Day

4/30: Arbor Day

As always, I welcome your feedback!  Should you ever have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Until next month, take care!


Miss Becka, Panda Two