Dear Panda Two Families,
Happy Harvest! Fall is upon us, and spooky season is just around the corner. Read on to learn what the month of October has in store for us.
Friendly Reminders
October wipes are due – please provide a package of 200 wipes or more for the upcoming month. Thank you!
Sunset Academy will be closing early, at 4:00PM, on Friday, October 8th for our monthly staff meeting and training. Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up from school early that day, as our staff will not be available after 4:00PM. Thank you in advance!
For those of you who placed orders for (or otherwise participated in) the fundraiser, we would like to remind you that the order form is due no later than Friday, October 8th. Thank you for your participation, it is greatly appreciated!
It’s that time of the year again – cold and flu season. It is our policy that any child who is exhibiting signs of illness (i.e. runny nose, coughing, fever, vomiting, or diarrhea) be excluded from our program until they have been symptom and medication free for at least 48 hours following symptom onset. In the event that your child begins to show signs of severe illness while at school, we will notify you immediately and kindly ask that you please make arrangements for them to be picked up as soon as possible. For your convenience, a list of symptoms and illnesses that could potentially qualify your child for exclusion will be posted on the white board in the hallway just outside of the Panda classroom door. You can help us stop the spread of germs in the classroom by practicing proper handwashing with your child at home, and encouraging your child to cover their mouth and nose when they cough or sneeze. Thank you for helping us to stop the spread of illness in our classroom!
Daily Requests
As a friendly reminder, your child will need the following on a daily basis:
- sippy cup or water bottle, labeled with the child’s first and last name
- healthy snack for morning snack time (9:00AM)
- blanket for naptime
- closed-toe shoes
- light jacket or sweatshirt
- one full change of clothing, including socks (to remain in their cubby, just in case)*
*Please note: We do our best to keep the children clean and dry throughout the day, but there is a learning curve for children while practicing self-care and autonomy, and accidents are bound to happen.
Upcoming Events
Costume Party – In observance of Halloween on the 31st, we will be having a costume party on Friday, October 29th. Children are encouraged to wear their costumes to school that day. A sign-up sheet will be posted in the lobby near the tablets for those of you who would like to contribute a healthy snack or sweet treat for the party (Reminder: all food items must be store-bought, nut-free, and in the original packaging. Thank you!). J
Trunk-or-Treat – Sunset Academy will be hosting a Trunk-or-Treat event on Friday, October 29that 4:00PM. We are asking one family from the Panda Two Classroom to volunteer to decorate the trunk of their car for the event. All families are encouraged to provide a package of treats, toys, and/or healthy snacks to stock the trunk with. We look forward to seeing you all there!!!
October Curriculum
Week 1: Apples
Week 2: Down on the Farm
Week 3: Fall
Week 4: Halloween
STEM Theme
Building Structures
Looking Ahead
Class Photos – We will have a professional photographer on-site next month for class photos. Stay tuned for more details.
Parent-Teacher Conferences – Parent-teacher conferences will be held the week beginning November 22nd. A sign-up sheet will be posted near the tablets in the lobby. Miss Becka will be available for in-person, socially-distanced conferencing outdoors (weather permitting), via the telephone, or Zoom – please indicate your preference on the sign-up sheet. If, for any reason, you are unable to meet with me that week, please reach out to me or Ms. Sammi, and we will do our best to accommodate you. I look forward to speaking with you next month!
Important Dates
10/08: early closure at 4:00PM
fundraiser order form and payment due
10/29: costume party
Trunk-or-Treat at 4:00PM
Next month: class photos (date TBD)
parent-teacher conferences week beginning 11/22
As always, should you ever have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Until next month, take care.
Ms. Becka and Ms. Maddie
Panda Two