Polars Newsletter: April 2024

Hello Polar Parents,

  Spring is finally here, The saying goes “April Showers Bring May Flowers.” This month we will be talking about the change of weather, we will be making crafts like clouds, rainbows and mud puddles.

The letter of the month is “H.” Children love to learn new words. As always we encourage you as parents to please introduce words that start with the letter H this can be done to and from school, during dinner, bath time or bedtime. Small words are good, big words are even better. Expanding your child’s vocabulary improves all areas of communication, like listening, speaking, reading and writing.
It is the time of the year for lots of sunscreen. We ask that you put sunscreen on your child BEFORE COMING TO SCHOOL and we will reapply in the afternoon.
April 22nd is Earth Day we will be talking to the children about saving the Earth. We will talk about saving water, recycling and less use of plastic. We will be doing crafts, and reading stories about the Earth.

We will be bringing in a globe into the room to show the children what the Earth looks like.


April 4th and 5th Picture Day

April 12th Early closure – All staff meeting( make sure to pick up your child before 4:00 )

April 22nd Earth Day