Polars Newsletter: September 2024

Theme for September: All About Me

For the month of September our theme will be “All About Me”

The children will be working on a self-portrait and learning their body parts.

We will be sending out a poster “All About Me” for you to fill out and decorate with your child.

We will have a presentation on September 6th and each child will have the opportunity to share their poster with the class.


The letter of the month is “B” as always talk to your child about words that start with the letter “B”.

 When children are able to recognize letters, they are able to start connecting them with the sounds they make, and this is essential for reading and spelling. 📖

All About Me 

This month we will be reading several different books, 

I LIKE ME! by: Nancy Carlson

“I LIKE ME!” is about a pig who talks about all the reasons she likes herself. This shows students that there is so much to appreciate about ourselves . Awesome introduction to self-esteem.


By: Tony Bradman


By: Rozanne Lanczak Williams 

Each person’s individual characteristics make the world a more interesting place. Each person is a unique individual who has something important to contribute.

Books about the positive power of friendship can teach young children important social-emotional skills. Building friendships strengthens empathy and kindness, and also builds confidence, all of which are invaluable lifelong skills!


by: Kayla Miller

This book illustrates that the best friendships can be made when we love what’s different and the same about each other. 


by: Belle Belrose

This is a story of Orion a young boy who befriends classmates despite their differences and struggles. It teaches our children about diversity, disability, and the beauty in each of us.

Music and movement

make the mind grow! 


Join the fun at Sunset Academy Thursday mornings.


Before dropping off your child to their classroom, they need to be taken to the restroom beforehand.


Every child needs a Water bottle every day and needs to be labeled with first and last name at the end of the day water bottles must be taken home to be washed and returned the next day. 

Make sure your child has Sunscreen on before coming to school we will reapply in the afternoon. 

Blankets must be taken home every Friday to be washed and returned on Monday morning.

Every child needs to have a backpack In case we need to put dirty/wet clothes and their blanket to take home on Fridays.


Make sure your child has two/three changes of spare clothes in case of a spill.


September 2nd: Labor Day – School is closed

September 6th: All About Me Presentation

September 13th:  Early closure pickup

September 16th: Mexican Independence Day 

Thank you

Gloria & Barbara