Sunset Academy Starts Offering Chinese Classes, Spanish to Follow

The private kindergarten program of Sunset Academy just got remarkably better.

Today we had the first Chinese lesson in the class.

This is a trial run for something bigger. In the next 8 weeks, we are going to test out our Chinese curriculum. During the eight weeks, kids are going to learn, According to our Chinese Teacher Ms. Lily:

1. Chinese number, color, fruits, food…
2. Simple phrases, like “Ni Hao!” “XieXie!”
3. To write simple Chinese strokes and Characters, Like 一,二,三, ….十
4. Chinese Songs
5. Games

What is more exciting is that after the trial run, Chinese will be part of the regular program.

No, parents are not paying for the additional cost. And Yes, the school is paying for the additional cost.

We are going to do the same thing with Spanish.

The school is looking for a qualified Spanish teacher. If you know people who can teach Spanish to young kids, please let us know.

We may push the two foreign language classes, Spanish and Chinese, to our black bear class, depending on future evaluation and demand.

If you feel strongly about having these classes available at the black bear class, please let us know.

And again, If we do have the language lessons in the black bear classes, the school will absorb the additional cost.

Here are some videos for the first class. Remarkable after the first lesson?

