Sunset Acadmemy Re-Open Updates

Dear Sunset Parents and teachers,

The state-wide Stat-at-Home Order is set to expire on Sunday April 26, 2020. However, Boulder County may extend the Stay-At-Home order to May 8, 2020, according to the following press release:

Increasing numbers of residents with COVID-19 illness may delay moving to next phase

As we stated before, out of ample precaution, we have chosen to comply with the Stay-at-Home orders of all levels of authorities that have jurisdictions over us throughout this pandemic.

On the hand, we would like to share the attached survey result with you. Here are a few observations:

  1. 73 out of 101 families we have responded, making the survey meaningful. Thank You!  The survey is still open, so if you have not filled out the survey yet, please follow the link at the end of this email.
  2. Of the 73 parents who submitted survey, 64% of the parents intend to send their kids to the school before the pandemic is over and 36% parents want to wait out.
  3. Of the 73 parents who submitted survey, 27% families want us to re-open on April 27, 21% on May 11, and 30% on May 25.
  4. If we are forced to open only for 9 hours during the pandemic each day, the 7:30am – 4:30pm time slot is the most favored.

Given where we are in terms of county Stay-at-Home order and based on the survey results, we have made the following decisions:

  1. We will re-open no earlier than Monday, May 11 2020 provided that the county Stay-at-Home is lifted by that time.
  2. A detailed new protocol will be sent to all families later on, but we know we will only open for 9 hours each day from 7:30am – 4:30pm
  3. The new regulation limits the group size to 10 children and children are supposed to stay in their respective classroom all the time. The capacity on the pre-school, pre-K and School-aged will be severely reduced. Priority will be given to parents who submitted surveys.

We have not yet decided how many classrooms to open and how many teachers to hire back, and at what dates. Those decisions will be driven by the number of children we have in each age group.  So Parents, you are still in a position to influence our decisions by filling out the survey:


Thank you and best regards,

Nina Emmer — Director, Sunset Academy

Eric Kuang, PhD — President and Owner, Sunset Academy