Teddies Newsletter: August 2020

Dear Teddy Families,

Somehow time has flown by and we find ourselves at the end of summer. Thank you all for your continued patience and support as we navigate running our classrooms and maintaining strong parent/caregiver relationships during these uncertain times. 

Since the end of May, every lead teacher in charge of a classroom at Sunset has been familiarizing themselves with our new curriculum, Teaching Strategies Gold. It is a great system and I am excited to use it! Starting the third week of this month, we should be able to share our weekly classroom activities with you via the parent portal on Gold; you’ll be able to see descriptions and pictures of what your child is doing, and what developmental objectives they are working towards. Brain development reaches eighty percent by the time a child is three, which is why birth through early preschool is such an amazing time to help your child grow and develop. What may seem like simple conversations and activities are actually all stepping stones that will support a child’s success for the rest of their lives.  

This month we will be focusing on shapes and colors, both in English and in Spanish. Our activities will include sorting, art with different shapes and colors, and finding colors and shapes occurring in our environments. 

As always, we will also use sign language in our classroom. This month’s focus words are happy, sad, Mommy, and Daddy.

I hope you have a great month, please stay safe and treasure every moment with your families. 


Ms. Katie B.