Teddies Newsletter: March 2022

Hello Teddies Families!

This month sped right by us! I hope everyone had a wonderful February and a lovely Valentine’s day!

This month our friend Tucker moved on up to Koala 1, congratulations Tucker!

As always, appreciate all of your continued support as we navigate illness, classroom closures, and ever-changing CDC/Health Department regulations. 

With the cold weather, please be sure to bring weather appropriate clothes and make sure the extra clothes in your child’s cubby are weather appropriate as well. We will still take walks and go outside as often as we can. If your child is walking, please bring in a pair of shoes that they can wear in case we go out to the playground.

*Be sure to label any coats, mittens, hats, etc. with your child’s name*

With many children transitioning to whole milk or even between breast milk and formula, please help us stay in compliance with licensing by letting us know what is in the bottles you are bringing for your child. If you are working on making that transition, please let us know and we are happy to help in any way that we can. We appreciate your cooperation with this.

Our curriculum theme for this month will be: Windows and Doors/St. Patrick’s Day

Sign language we will work on this month is: “Mom” and “Dad”

Yoga we will work on this month is: Cat/Cow pose

Reminders for the month

-We will close EARLY (at 4:00) on Friday, March 11th for staff training.

-Please remember to supply a water cup for your child every day to have during meal times, it is very important that we are drinking water throughout the day!


Connor: 3/31

Have a happy March!

-Ms. Nicole and Ms. Bianca